Our minds will be made up by week's end.
It's very surreal. If we choose to go, we would be selling our house and cars...changing careers...leaving family and friends behind...all before Christmas! It's equal parts sad and exciting, maybe with a dash of stressful!
The search for the perfect place to live in the BVI is underway. {Who knew they had Coldwell Banker?!?} We will need an extra bedroom for all of the company we expect we'll be having, plus I would really like to have a home office. I am going to try and work something out with my firm, at the very least as a freelancer. Mr. SDP will have his hands full with his new position...I just hope we have time to see each other and explore the islands together!
While tears well up in my eyes at the thought of missing my niece's birthday party or abandoning our Christmas traditions, the only thing that makes me okay with this move is the fact that we would likely be returning to the states in 12 months. I can do anything for 12 months right?
What an adventure this will be!
Off to declutter the house...the realtor is coming in the morning.
Sounds like a wonderful adventure!