Tuesday, February 23, 2010

KJL on QVC? Really?

Kenneth Jay Lane is in fact on QVC - where have I been???   I have been a fan of KJL since received this gift a few years ago.  I was searching online for some new jewelry last night, when I stumbled upon these:

For a reasonable $36.00, these baubles made it into my shopping cart.  I don't believe QVC ships to the British Virgin Islands so I'll have to send them to our next visitor...they can bring them down in their suitcase!


  1. Sometimes QVC has some really good products.

  2. Apparently! I had no idea!!! I've bookmarked it and will check more regularly now...

  3. I'm glad you posted over on my blog! And those earrings are GORGEOUS. I have to check this out on QVC!

    I left you an award on my blog, as well :-)
