Thursday, September 17, 2009

"Step away from the chevron!"

So, it's no secret that I am loving me some chevron print these days.

First was the blue dress from Isaac Mizrahi for Liz Claiborne. You remember the one about which I was so undecided in the beginning? {How could I have ever been conflicted about this dress???)
Then, this flirty fabric...
Oh, and who can forget this inspiring image??? The DVF dress...
Well, the chevron fairy has struck again, in a very familiar way. I decided to buy the orange version of the Liz Claiborne dress...I know, I know, I have a problem. But the first step to recovery is admitting it right? At the very least, applaud me for waiting this long to make the purchase! The dress was only $58 and I received an additional 20% off!

In my defense, I took the dress straight to my alterations lady and she's making it a short dress! Does that help my case? I really need it for a tailgate this's the tailgate of all tailgates.

Oh, and there is one huge bonus that comes with the decision to shorten this dress! And this is a big bonus, I'm going to salvage all of that extra fabric and make some pillows!

1 comment:

  1. I want this dress.


    Now I'm off to scour the internet for it since they are sold out on Liz CLaiborne's website.
