In the last two weeks, one certain person {
yes, the same fashion disaster I've mentioned before} has been sharing too much around the office. And I'm not referring to too much information about a taboo subject. No bathroom issues or sexcapades, atleast none that I know of...thank goodness for that!
Instead, this CP is sharing too much
random information. It has nothing to do with anything, yet she is tying this useless information to much larger happenings. There is no link. Or at least, I don't see it.
Exhibit A - An email to the entire staff at our PR firm and CP's response:
To: Staff
From: Coworker
Subject: Event Tonight
I hope to see everyone at our event -- it starts at 5. A number of our clients have told us they plan to be there, and I think the speaker will be great. It should be a lot of fun.
To: Staff
From: Certain Person
Subject: You Betcha RE: Event Tonight
I absolutely plan to be there and even brought in a cooler shirt today to change into (rather than this suit I had to wear to give my speech in today). I won’t be able to stay a long period of time, (doing the mother and mother-in-law surgery recovery duty) but I’ll be there!
Does bringing a shirt to change into demonstrate her commitment to being at the event? Why does she need to justify that to us? Why couldn't she just change the shirt and not tell anyone? Just show up. Furthermore, why tell us that the only reason she wore the suit is because she gave a speech today? What speech? And why throw in the information about the recovery duty? To make us feel guilty? I didn't know the mother and mother-in-law had surgery! Oh, and one last thing, why add the "You Betcha" in the Subject line?
Exhibit B - Another staff email from a different co-worker and CP's response:
To: Staff
From: Coworker
Subject: Client on TV
Fox News plans a report on Client X tonight between 7 and 8 during the Sheppard Smith Report. Plan your evening accordingly. They were in town shooting for two days last week.
To: Staff
From: Certain Person
Subject: RE: Client on TV
Great news and congrats! “Plan my evening accordingly”....hahahah. Tonight’s agenda is being my dad’s “date” at Berry Funeral Home 6-8 p.m. (close family friend died, hence my black jacket) but I’m sure someone will capture footage along the way for us to see...just let me know.
Where to begin??? Has CP never heard of Tivo? What about DVR? At least she did get my coworkers joke about planning your evening accordingly. That was sarcasm and with the three "ha"s and the extra "h" she is letting us know that she got the joke. There is nothing funny about the funeral, but she is making light of the situation by referring to it as a "date". And why tell us the name of the funeral home and exact times of the visitation? What really gets me is the parethensis and "hence the black jacket" comment? If it wasn't a close friend, would the jacket be red? Does she not wear black jackets any other time? Only when a close friend passes?
I can't handle it CP! Like nails on a chalkboard,
these are the days of my life.