Monday, August 10, 2009

Flipping Out is almost here...

The beloved network, BRAVO, is bringing back Flipping Out for a third season. We are one week away people!
I can't wait to see what Jeff Lewis has in store for us. Have you seen the preview? Hi-larious!

My favorite part is when Jenni Pulos says "Since he can't flip houses right now, Jeff's really making the best of it." And then the next soundbite is Jeff screaming "I'm going to kill myself!"

Cool as a cucumber - Ha! Set the DVR for next Tuesday night!

In other reality TV show news...have you seen Giuliana and Bill Rancic's new show? I've only caught bits and pieces, but I have a feeling it's not the train wreck many expected.
I caught myself smiling as I watched their banter over the outdoor fireplace. Bill wanted a fire and ice theme. Too funny!


  1. i am soooooooooooooooo excited too for this show. i love it and never miss it!!!!

    i wanted to thank you so much for coming over to my blog last week and helping me with gift ideas!! you gave me some creative, cute ideas that i will for sure be using!!! xo.

  2. You are more than welcome! Glad I could help. Have a fabulous trip!!!

  3. love flipping out... if only because mr. lewis reminds me entirely too much of my boss, and it brings me some comfort to know that there are other people out there who 'deal' with people like that every day...*sigh*...

    thanks for adding me to your daily reads! i need to update mine...stat!

  4. I've never seen that show. Am going to have to tune in!
