Sunday, August 9, 2009

H is for Honesty

Angela, one wonderful Short Southern Momma, has bestowed on me the Honest Scrap award! If you're not familiar, a recipient of the Honest Scrap award must share 10 things about herself and then pass along the honor to 10 others. I guess this is the modern-day chain letter for bloggers.

So, here we go!

1. I worked as a television reporter for 7 years before making the switch to public relations.

2. While I enjoy what I do, I would love to do something more creative...particularly in fashion.

3. Babies in jeans annoy me. Wait, scratch that - parents who put their babies in jeans annoy me.

4. I believe in love at first sight.

5. I've watched every season of American Idol and can recite all winners and runner-ups in chronological order.

6. Ask me about a particular date/event/meeting and I can probably tell you what I was wearing.

7. Just yesterday, Mr. SDP asked me if I would move to the British Virgin Islands and live there for a few answer? YES! {We'll see if that actually happens!}

8. My parents have been married for 43 years, something that makes me very proud!

9. I once met Felicia Rashad while on a trip to NYC, and I called her Mrs. Huxtable. She signed my playbill for A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum.

10. My niece nicknamed me Ya Ya.

And definitely check out Short Southern Momma! Thanks for the nod Angela! I will be passing this award onto 10 others tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. I loved your answers!!! when I was in 6th grade I met Jennie Garth {aka Kelly Taylor} at the mall where I used to live...Got her autograph too! Hope you have a great week! = )
