Tuesday, December 15, 2009
We're home!!!
My husband is working for a company headquartered here and they helped him find a villa a few weeks ago. It has the most amazing view of the Sir Francis Drake Channel. I'll have to snap a few photos. The wrap around screened in porch allows for the trade winds to sweep through the house, so much so that paperweights are a must!
Our 1,300 lbs of belongings are still in customs. I can't wait to get my hands on some of the items I brought to adorn the walls around here. This place most definitely needs a woman's touch. There will be three women here before too long.
My mom and sister are coming on Sunday, along with my dad. A Caribbean Christmas it will be!
My sister is actually bringing our miniature schnauzer Milly with her. We couldn't bring her on Monday, because her paperwork wasn't finalized. I can't wait to have her here and see her reaction to the new landscape.
During our first day here, we did a few very important things, including opening a bank account, buying a car, and for me - getting a pedicure! That's right, this Tennessee girl didn't have time to get one before she left!
I wanted to wear my Stephen Bonnanos today, and needed a matching nail polish. I went with OPI's "I only drink Champagne." Love that!
My lady at the spa was nice - her name was Breezy. That's right. Breezy. I quickly got past that and was able to ask her a lot of questions about who I should get to cut my hair, where to grocery shop, etc...All in all, it was a lovely way to spend my time while Mr. SDP was at the bank.
Let the BVI adventure begin!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
If Tory Burch and Lilly Pulitzer procreated...
I think her name would be Tracy Negoshian.
She's a beginner, but I see some potential. All of her tunics and dresses have a small credit card size pocket hidden on the right side, usually tucked under the arm at the rib cage - just perfect for a credit card, ID and maybe a lip gloss.
As she grows, hopefully her fabrics will improve and she will drop the ridiculous jewelry line. (It's like a chintzy version of Franchesca's.) I've got to give it to this girl - she started out with obvious color combinations that she knew would sell: SEC football teams.
Go to any SEC tailgate, I don't care if you're outside of the O'Connell Center in Gainesville, on top of G10 in Knoxville, or in the Grove in Oxford, you will hear one universal complaint from fashionable football fans: Finding stylish clothes in a girl's favorite SEC team colors is more difficult than getting Mariah Carey zipped into a black mini dress! Except of course for the Georgia Dawgs, those
Happy Shopping! Oh, and I almost forgot - the aqua and coral Rachel dress will be making an appearance on the SDP Christmas card this year. What is more BVI than that?
Monday, November 23, 2009
Practical? Not so much...
Talking Turkey
Our dear friends Erin and Lee had us over for dinner last night. {Mr. SDP and Lee were SigEps together in college. And while Erin and I went to different universities, we were both Alpha Delta Pis.}
Erin made the most delicious dish. The recipe is from a Nashville Junior League cookbook that was published in the 1950s. It's called "Chicken in the Skillet."
Here is the recipe for "Chicken in a Skillet"
{serves 8}
4 chicken breasts, cut into halves (or quarters)
1/2 cup flour
1 cup butter
1 can of mushroom soup
1 cup of sliced mushrooms
1/2 cup of slivered almonds
1 cup sherry
dredge chicken in flour as for frying
place butter in skillet
place chicken breasts in skillet and slightly brown
add remaining ingredients
simmer for 45 minutes to hour
Don't you just love the word "dredge"? I do and I know exactly what it means...love that!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Breaking News over at Brunch at Saks
A new book, called "The Carrie Diaries" {courtesy of Candace Bushnell of course!} will take us back in time before Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha, before cosmos, and that's right, before Big.
Thanks to Brunch at Saks for alerting me to this exciting SATC news! Sex and the City fans rejoice is right!!!
Of course the movie will follow behind the April 2010 release of the book...so exciting!!!
Monday, November 16, 2009
BVI Guest Bedroom, perhaps?
Can you believe I had three others just like them that I let Mr. SDP take to Good Will? I had no idea they would turn out so adorable! Maybe I need to run over there on my lunch break on buy them back...The oval mirror had a nickel finish in its former life. I just love the Tiffany blue color.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Southern Living, while I still can...
This year, we will be having a Caribbean Christmas, and I think I just found the perfect wrapping inspiration in Southern Living. I just received my December issue this weekend and on page 215 there they were! Zig zag tags in all their glory! {And we know how obsessed I am with anything and everything chevron! }
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Game Night: NOLA Edition
You may remember some crazy stories about our game night group. We gather on the first Friday of the month. And back in August, we had a wild hair and headed to New Orleans for game night. {Living in Tennessee and all, you understand why it was such an ordeal, with flights and hotels and all...}
For November's game night, we're bringing New Orleans to us...in the way of the menu. I have made 24 mini muffelattas, prepped my beignets (Cafe Du Monde's mix of course!), and cooked the chicken for the jambalaya. That leaves the cajun crab dip, crawfish boulettes, and final prep of the jambalaya for tomorrow. I can manage that, surely.
Now, if only I knew what game we were going to play...any suggestions?
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Look what I stumbled on over at Echo Design!
This adorable coverup tunic is only $68. Not bad! Kind of wish it was lined, so I could wear it as a dress. They do have it in black...hmmmm...
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Seriously Isaac?
Monday, November 2, 2009
Hello Henri

Check it out. In the words of Rachel Zoe, "I die."
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Spindle savior!

Monday, October 26, 2009
Home Sweet Home: Part 4

What an adventure this will be!
Off to declutter the house...the realtor is coming in the morning.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
You know when you learn a new word...
A friend of mine, who has a lovely home furnishings store, made this her status update on Facebook today: "Today - I will be happier than a bird with a french fry." I thought it was cute; it made me smile. {I also thought it might be nice to have french fries for lunch, but alas, I went with a bowl of soup instead. Sigh.}
Anyway, I was just over at Peonies and Polaroids a few moments ago and saw this:
Some might call this ironic - and if they did, I would correct them. It is coincidental! And I love it.
I don't believe I had ever heard/read/seen the quote before, and here it is a second time. Oh, and if you're wondering where to find the print. According to P&P, it's from DazeyChic. Enjoy!
The Look for Less
Would you believe it's from Tar-jay? That's right. This frock is a mere $39.99 at your local Target! I spotted it on Sunday while running a quick errand. I slipped it on and it was love at first zip.
I rocked it at the office with my new black tights, {also from Tar-jay.} I'm a big fan of the ASSETS by Sara Blakely brand. They're $14.00 which is almost half of the cost of the dress, but they're worth it. They hold up well wash after wash.
Because there's a chill in the air, I wore a black cardigan and to emphasize my waist and break up the pattern, I wore a black patent leather belt. Both of those items are NY&Co which means they're very reasonably priced.
And for full disclosure, I wore Via Spiga black patent leather pumps. While they were from last season, they were my splurge item in the whole "look for less" operation.
I know it's a stretch, but if I had to say what the whole ensemble reminded me of, I would say this outfit from Sex and the City, the movie. Ah, Big. Can't wait to see you on the big screen again...Only a few more months...Sex and the City 2 will hit theatres May 2010, on the 28th to be exact. Can hardly wait!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Etsy Discovery
I think their pieces are rather stunning, don't you?

White Owl also makes earrings...check out these eggplant-colored ones:

I know a bank where the wild thyme blows,
Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows
Quite overcanopied with luscious woodbine,
With sweet musk-roses and with elgantine.
~William Shakespeare
This simple little touch adds so much to the overall experience and enhances the romantic feeling that their jewelry evokes...now, which piece to choose???
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Knock Knock. Who's there?
Its name is Knock Knock; isn't that cute and memorable? If you're not familiar with the company, maybe you've seen one of their witty products, like these funny folders for the office:

Cliches and Platitudes, Pep Talks and Picker-Uppers, Insults and Comebacks, and Pickups and Come-Ons! Too funny!
One of my favorite insults comes from the chapter titled "Looks, when it's only skin deep".
"Guess what - I've nominated you for Extreme Makeover and What Not To Wear and they're fighting over you!"
Maybe I could hurl it at one certain person in my office...
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The Red Baton

Usually, my girlfriends from college (most of whom where Alpha Delta Pis at Florida) gather at a home game in Gainesville, but not this year. We are taking this party to New Orleans, and then Baton Rouge!
We fly out first thing Friday morning. I've got my outfits planned. My Luccheses will be making the trip. I realize packing cowboy boots in carry-on luggage may seem excessive to some, but I think they're worth it.
Now, you may remember, we were just in Louisiana a few months ago for our game night: NOLA edition. There was one place I didn't get to while on that trip: Leontine Linens. It will be a must-visit on Friday morning before we meet up with friends in the French Quarter.
I was just perusing the new line of linens over at Leontine, and was pleasantly surprised by the Jolly Roger bedding. Would it not be adorable for a little boy's room?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Mad for Plaid

Remember, I just turned 30 this year, so I need to make sure I'm using classic pieces in the right way. Dressing appropriately at 30 can be very tricky. A hem line that's too long or a shirt too boxy and I might look 40. (Gasp!) On the other hand, I can't skew too young and rock a plaid mini...or atleast not without leggings.
A few years ago, I remember I would wear traditional Jackie-O inspired dresses to formal events. Think elegant labels like Oscar de la Renta and Kay Unger. It was a great way to dress - I was a sharp, mature 20-something that could pull it off. This dress is a perfect representation of what I'm talking about in style, not price! {It's available at SAKS for a cool $2,500 right now.}
Now that I'm getting older, I feel like I have to follow the trends more closely and choose classic pieces carefully, or I'll look too old. If I were to rock the Oscar dress to a cocktail party, I'm afraid I would look older than I am.
Instead, I would go with something more like this, from Marc Jacobs: Maybe I am over-analyzing this whole age thing, but I just don't want to be called "Ma'am" by the bartender...that's what it's about these days!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Oh, to be a cocktail ring in Rachel Zoe's jewlery box!

I'm loving Rachel Zoe Project right now. I can't believe this is my first season. I know, I know...I must get the previous season(s) on DVD and watch them.
Her show is about to wind down...and it looks like Poor Brad is going to be left behind, while eternal-PMS Taylor gets to go to Paris. Oh wait! On "Scenes from next" Brad somehow ends up in the City of Lights! "BA-nanas!"
Fortunately, tomorrow night is the premier of The Hills and The City. From the previews, this season looks promising.

So much reality TV, so little time.
Mad about GADABOUT

I could sent Santa a thank-you note for every little gift with these personalized stationery cards. Just love them! Have you seen GADABOUT's year round products? These are some of my favorites...
And who doesn't love a beetle?